Monday, December 9, 2019

The participation of the pe... free essay sample

The participation of the people who are most affected by the decisions is becoming increasingly important. Velayutham (1986).participation is the action of taking part in something while decision making is the action of process of making decision, participation in decision making can be group of people come together to discuss about the context that was implemented or it can be individual decision making, it is very important for everybody to be participated in the decision making because when many come together to put idea together the information can make a big differences between a good and poor decision. Therefore in these essay it will discuss on some important of decision making .Firstly, it will discuss on why people who are most affected by the decision need to be involved in decision-making secondly, it will elaborated on why school community should participate in decision making and finally, will examined the three level of education management and to what extend these three levels involves school heads and teachers in –making process, Thus this essay will elaborated mor e on the discussion of the body. To begin with, everyday people made decision, everybody can make individual decision but it will not as effective as when many participated in the decision. Individual decision can results in many conflict, in organization like school it is very necessary that the priority must be put with the following people in doing decision. Ministry of education (MOE), the Provincial education officer (PEO), the principal, the stuff, the school board, parents, and the communities as a whole it is very necessary to include these people in the decision making especially the context that suit them on the discussion that was implemented because there are the one that will be affected ,Burke said that collective viewpoints deriving from the shared expertise of stakeholders, improve the quality of education decision making and the prospect of collective ownership of the process and outcome Burke (1992) everybody must participated in the decision making in order for no argument will raise between the stakeholder and the school, furthermore, it is very important for everybody to runs in good ways in order for student not to get affected, if poor decision made the conflict will raise and the school will no longer operate, which can results to poor performances of student and the teacher . According to, Velayutham,stated that decision made with in school and the school systems, it can affect the society which the school system serves or the decision can affect the rest of the worldVelayutham(1986). In my own context in Vanuatu at Rensarie college since 2011 there was are big argument between the community and the administration because the school extended the school boundary for the Australian aid to build some new classroom without the participation of the stakeholder in their discussion , with that there is a big issues raise, the school no longer operated and the teacher no longer teach and the student were sent home for three months, therefore student are most affected by the issues ,thus every decision we made must be a cooperative to function the school, if the wrong decision is made it might affect the whole school.Secondly, making decision is everybody business, many should be participated in the decisions making to find more information and find the best solut ion of an issues, it is very important for school community to participated in some school decision making because many school nowadays was introduced or run the community school , which mean that the community who attended that school will serve from it ,therefore it is very important that school community should participated in the decision making with principal in any school development to be made ,it is very necessary to include the community to be participated in the decision made to get more positive opinion rather if the principal alone make decision, and later the community as a whole will not agree on the decision ,then it will results to a big cap between each other, many cases like these happen, in Queensland there is a conflict between the community and the school because the community do not participated in any of the school decision ,which makes the school is not functioningwell. According to Burke he stated that while the opportunities should be provided for full and active participant by all member of a school community, decisions need to be made within broad frameworks to ensure that particular schools benefits from the cross fertilization possible in wider, state wide and national Burke (1992).these is the supportive views that it is compulsory for the community to participated in any school decision making, in my own society in Vanuatu that same situation happen around every my previous school Onesua there is a big argument among the community and the school administration because principal made his own decision to suspended 57 student who do not attended class on Saturday, the community and the parents do not agree with what decision made by the principal,therefore,individual decision can raised conflict, it is more appropriated that majority discuss what is being put to place for good running of the school.Finally, there are three level of educational management, the school level, national or school system level and the sub natio nal level. in school level it specifically based at school level it referring only inside the school level, the school is operated or manage by the principal and the head teacher only on some school direction, such as the version, mission, aims, objectives and the school standard, in school management the school will also make sure that school must have the planning, well organized, directing and evaluating the work of the school staff, apart from these in any managing process regarding these decision will be made by the principal or the head teacher of the school not the community or the school board only principal will played his/her role here in any decision making .moving on discussing national system level is referring to all the schools and educational institution and the educational management in the country. The national decision making is based on the aims of the education it make sure that the aim of education is achieved, it will also take into account that the need of various school community is also achieved with resources must be distributed in all the school. For examples in my own village in malekula it has big community and there is no school nearby for the children to attended, the community leader discuss and made decision to request for the school in order for easy access to school and despite of the struggles when the letter reach the ministry of education, the ministry and government grant their request, Last part on the least, is the sub national system, it is the upper or higher level than the two other level of school management, it related to the ministry of education who is responsible to make any decision regarding the school, sometimes they can give authorities and responsibility to offices and personnel below the national authorized on the context that was implemented. The three level involve school head and teacher because the three level of educational management only deals with managing the program or policy of education but the head of th e school and the teacher will implemented what is being put to place. Such as to teach the curriculum and the decision made at the school level must always please the high responsible, it will also involve teacher to make decision to manage the school and to improve the school standard, According toteacher need to participated in decision when decision passed on the school for implementations, the school authorities has to plan how they will make decision in the schoolVelayutham (1986),thus, when one has to make reactive decision there is not enough time to organized when hand in hand in work, things work out.To conclude, it is very important that it is best to have majority participated in the decision making, insteadindividual decision might results in argument among the schools, the whole school will be effected by the decision not only the school and community but the society and the whole world will be affected, therefore the decision we made must be the rationale for the benef it of everyone, whereas the three level of educational management is an active part of education because it manage the education program on the decision made, on school level, national level and sub national level, there are all related to make decision on the context that was implemented, without them we will not be today the country need them to build up the standard of the country.

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