Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Student Lesson Plan for Writing Story Problems

A Student Lesson Plan for Writing Story Problems This lesson gives students practice with story problems by teaching them how to write their own and solve the problems of their classmates. The plan is designed for third-grade students. It requires 45 minutes and additional class periods. Objective Students will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to write and solve story problems. Common Core Standard  Met This lesson plan satisfies the following Common Core standard in the Operations and Algebraic Thinking category  and the Representing  and Solving Problems Involving Multiplication and Division subcategory. This lesson meets standard 3.OA.3:  Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Materials White paperColoring pencils or crayonsPencil Key Terms Story problemsSentencesAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivision Lesson Introduction If your class uses a textbook, choose a story problem from a recent chapter and invite students to come up and solve it. Mention to them that with their imaginations, they could write much better problems, and will do so in todays lesson. Instruction Tell students that the learning target for this lesson is to be able to write interesting and challenging story problems for their classmates to solve.Model one problem for them, using their input. Begin by asking for two student names to use in the problem. Desiree and Sam will be our examples.What are Desiree and Sam doing? Going to the pool? Getting lunch at a restaurant? Going grocery shopping? Have the students set the scene as you record the information.Bring the math in when they decide what is going on in the story. If Desiree and Sam are getting lunch in a restaurant, maybe they want four pieces of pizza, and each piece is $3.00. If they are grocery shopping, maybe they want six apples at $1.00 each, or  two boxes of crackers at $3.50 each.Once the students have discussed their scenarios, model how to write a question as an  equation. In the above example, if you want to find the total cost of the food, you may write 4 pieces of pizza X $3.00 X, where X represents the t otal cost of the food. Give students time to experiment with these problems. Its very common for them to create an excellent scenario, but then make mistakes in the equation. Continue working on these until they are able to create their own and solve the problems that their classmates create. Assessment For homework, ask students to write their own story problem. For extra credit, or just for fun, ask students to involve family members and get everyone at home to write a problem, too. Share as a class the next day- its fun when the parents get involved. Evaluation The evaluation for this lesson can and should be ongoing. Keep these story problems bound in a three-ring binder in a learning center. Continue adding to it as students write more and more complex problems. Make copies of the story problems every so often, and collect these documents in a student portfolio. The problems are sure to show the students growth over time.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Writing and Pronunciation

Writing and Pronunciation Writing and Pronunciation Writing and Pronunciation By Maeve Maddox I sometimes hesitate to address the subject of pronunciation because I usually get complaints. For example, I received this gentle admonition when I wrote about the novel pronunciation of the word news among radio announcers: Methinks a site about writing tips should steer clear of pronunciation. I have to disagree. Pronunciation has nothing to do with grammar or sentence structure, but it does relate to spelling, and spelling is a significant aspect of writing. For example, not everyone pronounces vehicle and often with the same speech sounds, a fact that doesn’t matter in conversation, but does matter if the speaker spells often as â€Å"offen† or vehicle without the h. English orthography is often ridiculed for oddities like rough and knight, but it is nevertheless based on a sound system represented by the 26 letters of the alphabet and several additional symbols represented by letter combinations. Pronunciation may be a matter of personal preference, but correct spelling rarely offers a choice. It is in everyone’s interest to know what sound is represented by each letter or letter combination, even if the sound is not pronounced. It is more useful in a writer to learn the idiosyncrasies of the system. For example, instead of ridiculing the archaic spelling of knight, an English speaker can choose to learn that in modern English writing, kn is an alternate spelling for the sound /n/, and that igh is an alternate spelling of the long i sound, a â€Å"three-letter i.† Many English words have more than one acceptable pronunciation for the same spelling, but speakers who do not pronounce all the letters in a word still need to learn â€Å"spelling† pronunciations. For example, I used to have trouble spelling the word silhouette, which I pronounce â€Å"sil-uh-wet.† I learned that if I think the â€Å"spelling† pronunciation â€Å"sil-hoo-etty,† I can spell it correctly. If you pronounce the word arctic without the first /k/ sound, you need to think â€Å"ark-tik† when you write it so that you won’t leave out the first c. Each of the following words has at least two pronunciations that are considered acceptable in standard English. I’ll leave it to you to listen to the options at one of the online dictionaries with audio buttons. arctic February calm palm salmon clothes forehead comptroller victuals waistcoat medicine ski Contrary to what one college textbook irresponsibly suggests, spelling mastery does not require that you be â€Å"gifted with a marvellous visual memory.† It does, however, require attention to pronunciation, and a willingness to discard the myth that English spelling is hopelessly chaotic. If you want to see some really opinionated thoughts on pronunciation, check out Charles Harrington Elster’s The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesHow to Pronounce Mobile10 Terms for the Common People

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility within Islamic prospectives Literature review

Corporate Social Responsibility within Islamic prospectives - Literature review Example The values and the principles which have been in place since the time of Prophet Mohammed serve as the CSR foundation in Islam. Islam fundamentals are not subject to change. They include aqidah, referring to belief and faith, ibadah, which means worship and akhlaq, which refers to morality and ethics. In secondary fields such as economics, business and other activities the manifestation of these fundamentals will need flexibility and development in accordance with the time and space. Hence, in Islam the idea of CSR is always subject to change depending on the various needs of the community and the society. According to Islam human represents God and that the whole creation was formed by God. Human being God’s representative therefore, has a great obligation to look after the creation of God. The CSR concept In Islam covers an extensive meaning, in that it embraces God consciousness dimension which is referred to as the taqwa. In all situations, group of individuals takes up di fferent roles and responsibilities as servants. According to Hassan (2002), values of truthfulness, fairness, kindness, uprightness instead of envy and discrimination inspires the relationship with God. This normally manifested naturally in various activities in business and even in the relationship with all the stakeholders.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Commercial aviation management functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Commercial aviation management functions - Essay Example This approach to pricing management came about as a response to the liberalization of air transport that led to high competition among service providers. Aviation companies realized that they could increase their revenues by selling the same seats in an airplane to customers based on what they were willing to pay, â€Å"as opposed to using unit cost as the only factor in pricing† (Shy, 2008, p.23). Yield management started as an analysis of variable demand but it grew to an advanced stage of complexity where it now seeks to determine how customers respond to pricing (Hayes & Miller, 2010). Yield management brings about a number of related benefits to commercial aviation. First, it increases revenue without increasing the cost of providing services (Quain & LeBruto, 2010). The revenue comes from selling units produced but not consumed under the unit based pricing model. The second advantage of yield management is that it brings about increases in profits, and not just gross sales (OFallon & Rutherford, 2010). In fact, the overall increase in gross sales in usually marginal compared to the percentage increase in profits. Without it, the seats sold under yield management would bring in zero revenue. The third advantage of using yield management is that it makes it possible for commercial aviation to â€Å"maximize revenue from available capacity† (Rouse et al., 2010, p.57). Commercial airlines sell seats that they would have flown unoccupied at low cost hence they get extra revenue. Finally, it assures revenue despite cancellations when one of the conditions for l ow fare tickets includes a non-refund policy (Button, 2010). Under most unit-based costing systems, refund policies lead to loss of revenue if buyers request for a refund. Yield management in commercial aviation has two objectives. These are, â€Å"to get the best average fare (‘yield’) possible†, and secondly, â€Å"to fill

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Capitalism Essay Example for Free

Capitalism Essay A society is capitalist if most production is carried on by employees working with means of production (equipment and materials) belonging to their employer, producing commodities which belong to the employer. (Employees: those whose services are treated as commodities. Labour is a commodity like any other, an article of trade Edmund Burke, Thoughts on Scarcity, 1795. Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for a private profit; decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments are made by private actors in the free market; profit is distributed to owners who invest in businesses, and wages are paid to workers employed by businesses and companies. This is what we mean by the system of Capitalism. Thinking about Capitalism, one directly is taken to the period of Marx and Engels where a distinction between Capitalist and Labour class was firstly and soundly made. Until then a capitalist continued to dominate the class hierarchy. Simple words suggest that a capitalist is a person in whose hands the entire power to production and the decision regarding the consumption vests. For ages capitalist class ruled the large part of the society. Even today, in several fields capitalists dominate other classes. Capitalism, as a deliberate economic system, developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe, although proto-capitalist organizations existed in the ancient world, and early aspects of merchant capitalism flourished during the Late Middle Ages. Capitalism became dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. Capitalism gradually spread throughout Europe, and in the 19th and 20th centuries, it provided the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world. Today the capitalist system is the worlds most dominant form of economic model. The term capitalist refers to an owner of capital rather than an economic system, but shows earlier recorded use than the term capitalism, dating back to the mid-seventeenth century. The Hollandische Mercurius uses it in 1633 and 1654 to refer to owners of capital. In French, Etienne Clavier referred to capitalistes in 1788, six years before its first recorded English usage by Arthur Young in his work Travels in France (1792). David Ricardo, in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), referred to the capitalist many times. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the great scholars of 18th century have continuously used the term ‘Bourgeois’ while talking about capitalist class. They raised points concerning the exploitation of Proletariats by the Bourgeois and asked the proletariats to fight for their rights. The Communist manifesto given by these scholars shows the distinction they have made between the two classes and the domination of powerful capitalist class in the society. Marx on Capitalism; How explain the possibility of Capitalism? Capital is money used to make money by buying commodities which are then to be sold to get an increased amount of money. How can money be used in this way? One answer is: by buying cheap and selling dear as prices fluctuate. This may explain how this or that individual makes money for a while, but since every gain made this way is someone elses loss, if those who gain that way now have an even chance of losing later, then it cannot explain the existence of a definite class of people who regularly make money. The explanation for the existence of such a class (capitalists) is that a limited set of people are in a position to buy a commodity which regularly yields an increase when they sell. This commodity is the service of the worker, which may produce commodities which exceed that service in exchange value (and only when when it does will the workers services be bought). The service of a worker is a commodity which has the special use of producing other commodities, which may have more exchange value than it has itself. There are other commodities (e. g. machines) which produce commodities, but (on the labour theory of value, which makes human labour the sole source of value) the exchange value contributed by a machine is simply a fraction of the cost in labour terms of making and working the machine. If over its whole working life it costs $3,000 and produces 3000 items, then it adds $1 to the value of each item. But the amount of labour a worker puts into what he produces over a lifetime may exceed the amount of labour needed to produce and maintain that worker. If some employer buys the workers services at their value i. e. for the equivalent of the labour needed to produce the worker then, since the workers product belongs to the employer, there will be an excess or surplus value, additional to the value of the wage, that the employer appropriates. Marx does not think that in the real world full value is always paid. But he conducts his argument on the hypothesis that full value is paid, for several reasons. First, he wants to make it clear that his analysis of capitalism does not rest on the assumptions that capitalists defraud the worker. Even if there were no cheating, capitalism could still exist. Second, he wants to show that even an idealized capitalism would be doomed to destruction (the argumentative strategy of proving the point for the hardest case: a fortiori it holds for other cases). Third, he wants to make it clear that it is in production itself, and not merely in the distribution of the product, that the capitalists profits originate; it is not accidental that most (though not all) capitals are used to finance production (not, e. g. , for buying non-human commodities and selling them unmodified). To argue that capitalism is a system of inequality and class conflict, Marx takes as his point of departure the idea that the dominant class, the bourgeoisie, controls capital, property, the means of production, and hence by extension all those (far more numerous than the bourgeoisie) who make up the laboring class (i. . , labor). Indeed, Marx sees an equivalence between capital, property, and the means of production, which are all concentrated in the bourgeoisie. More than this, Marx analyzes bourgeois power as aligned with fundamental forms of social organization and oppression: Hitherto, every form of society has been based . . . on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes. . . . Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie . . . its existence is no longer compatible with society (Marx, 2002, p. 209). Just as Marx links class power to political power, he links political power to industrial-economic power over the laboring classes. The bourgeoisies ability to control industry and economy had as its consequence bourgeois control of the political system. This dominance, according to Marxs logic, implies oppression of the majority of persons in society because capital will always seek to maximize its benefit. Marxs solution: revolution and dictatorship of labor, which Marx terms the proletariat. He does not deal with the result of such a dictatorship and seems to simply assume that the proletariat will exercise its own power in a just way. Capitalism and India; my viewpoint! (Socio-Economic) I am totally tuned in to the incentives, rewards, labour and profit motives of capitalism. It is not perfect. But it is historically absurd to deny that price and profit signals under capitalism have done a far better job of allocating scarce resources and sustaining long periods of economic growth than any other alternative. Communism proved itself to be a disaster wherever and in whatever name practiced. Remember the USSR? East Germany? Bulgaria? Romania? Albania? And the devastation of Cuba under Fidel Castro that his ageing brother Raul cannot fix? Socialism, too, has had its innings in the west as well as in the east, and failed. State-sponsored capitalism — once the hot East-Asian model — saw too much of the state, and relatively less of private capital, resulting in overarching ambitions, needlessly grandiose projects and poor long-term returns. Go to Dubai and see for yourself. And the mixed economy with the state occupying the ‘commanding heights’ meant one thing: too much of command with little or no height worth the name. So, if you were to closely observe the dirty, disordered canvas of economic progress during the 20th and 21st century, you should conclude that, for all its warts, capitalism has been the winner. It has sometimes caused pain; suffered from serious cycles; and often needed the clout of the state — such as we have seen from September 2008. It has also been quite resistant to sensible regulation. Even so, the basic institutions of capitalism have worked, not just in the US and the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and development) nations, but also many developing countries, of which India is one. And worked better than alternative mechanisms. That brings me to India. As we move on to the second decade of the 21st century, here’s my core hypothesis: India is geared to have significantly more of capitalism than what we have had up to now. And the more the better. Let us begin with agriculture. Nowhere is there a more intensely capitalistic venture than farmers choosing the crops that they sow, water, weed, harvest and sell. Since the late 1960s, economists have run thousands of regressions called supply response functions, which quantitatively determine what best explains crop acreage and output over long periods. What are the results? From the turn of the 20th century right up to now, crops were planted according to expected prices and/or profits — surrogated by the price signals of the previous few years. Of course, other variables mattered such as rainfall, irrigation and fertiliser use. But the driving force was profits. Capitalism, therefore, defines 17 per cent of India’s GDP, namely agriculture. Now to services, which accounts for 55 per cent of GDP. If you deduct the share of government services, there is still some 40 per cent of GDP, much of it in the private sector. This is huge. And many of the activities are driven largely by profits. Whether it be mobile telephony, retail trade, restaurants, real estate, storage, hotels, road transport or finance, each service — big, medium, small or holes in the wall — rises, shrinks, falls, re-grows or disappears according to supply, demand, costs and pricing. Even earlier anti-market behemoths such as public sector banks and insurance companies have become more attuned to prices and profits than anyone could have imagined in the mid-1990s. Thus, 57 per cent of India’s GDP is tuned to capitalism. What about industry, which accounts for 28 per cent of GDP? Some two-thirds of it is purely private. That is another 18 per cent approximately. Moreover, most public sector undertakings are more price-and-profit oriented than ever before. So, hello capitalism! It accounts for at least three-quarters of our GDP. It may be higher still. But 75 per cent will do for now. Contrary to what the CPI, CPI(M) and some ‘don’t confuse me with facts’ professors tell you, India is awash with capitalism. Like China, you turn any corner, and you will meet someone who wants to start some business or the other: a photocopying shop, an STD booth, a local agency for Dabur, Godrej or Hindustan Unilever, automobile spare parts — the list is endless. The state must allow these millions of capitalists to thrive. By creating essential infrastructure such as roads and power; by fostering basic facilities for education and training; by encouraging entrepreneurship through clean governance; and by creating level playing fields. These are tough tasks, but if the state succeeds in some fair measure, you can be sure that India’s millions of capitalists will make 9 per cent GDP growth look silly. We have it in us. In spades. Conclusion Over the centuries, capitalism and capitalist class has changed with time. It is worth adding that the impact of Capitalism on Society, economy, polity is huge. This has made it a multi-disciplinary subject of discussion. Domination of other classes of a society by a particular section of the society can never be justified and hence capitalism has been largely criticized by various scholars all over the world. The work of Marx on Capitalism is praiseworthy and is still followed today when issues regarding capitalism arise.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

juan peron Essay examples -- essays research papers

Juan Domingo Perà ³n is known as the greatest Argentinean politician of all time. However, he is also one of he most controversial. His tactics and alliances are often criticized as are the changes and developments he brought about in Argentina. The one thing that can be concluded by all is that this man led a very complex and important life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perà ³n was born on October 8, 1895, in a province of Buenos Aires. He was the second son of Mario and Juana Perà ³n. His father was an employee of the local court. When Juan was five years old his father abandoned the family. To make ends meet, Juana married a man whom was a farm hand. When he was ten he went to live with his uncle in Buenos Aires so that he could begin his formal education. Perà ³n was not an outstanding student but he always managed to pass. Juan’s military career started at age 16. Juan went on to study at the National Military Academy. He graduated in 1915 as a second lieutenant. His military career was now off and running. It is not really known why he decided to join the military. Some think it was because he needed discipline in his life, while others think it was to help him in gaining power. The early parts of his military career were ordinary. After the revolution of 1943 Juan Perà ³n shared control of the Argentinean government. Under Pedro Ramirez, Perà ³n held three cabinet positions. With that he saw an opportunity. He did many reform programs and won a lot of the support of labor unio...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


The Samaritan – How serious is our condition? – A little comic relief for the suicidal Suicide Prevention: How to Help Someone who is Suicidal www. Helped. Org/mental/suicide_prevention. HTML A suicidal person may not ask for help, but that doesn't mean that help isn't wanted. Most people who commit suicide don't want to die†they Just want to stop National Suicide Prevention Lifeline www. suicidepreventionlifeline. Org/ Helps individuals in suicidal crisis within the United States to contact the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a SAVE ISuicide Facts www. Save. Org/facts SAVE – Suicide Awareness Voices of Education Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans every year. Many who attempt Over half of all suicides occur in adult men, ages 25-65. In the month prior to Suicide. Org: Suicide Prevention, Suicide Awareness www. Suicide. Org/ Suicide. Org. Suicide is NEVER the answer, getting help is the answer. If you are suicidal, have attempted suicide, or are a suicide survivor, you will find help, Suicide: Midlines www. Ml. NIH. Gob/†¦ /suicide. H†¦ Suicide is the tenth most common cause of death in the United States.People may consider suicide when they are hopeless and can't see any other solution to Understanding Suicide www. FSP. Org/understanding†¦ American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Over 38,000 Americans took their lives in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Suicide accounted for 12 deaths for every 100,000 people American Foundation for Suicide Prevention www. FSP. Org/ Created to raise awareness, offer support, fund research and call for action in regard o advancing a national response to the problem of suicide.In-depth articles The Story of a Suicide The New Yorker – Feb.. 2012 The day after that, Clementine committed suicide by Jumping from the George Washington Bridge. Clementine's death became an international news story, fusing parental anxieties about Explore: teen suicide The Golden Suicides vanity Fat – Jan 2008 (It happened to be her birthday, October 26. ) No one talked about the dark stories and wild speculation that had emerged after news of the couple's â€Å"double suicide† hit the media.The Urge to End It – Understanding Suicide The New York Times – July 2008 â€Å"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem,† Albert Campus wrote, â€Å"and that is suicide. † How to explain why, among the only species capable of pondering its own demise, Explore: gun suicide + More in-depth articles Searches related to suicide Suicide methods how to commit suicide suicidal thoughts suicide facts suicide stories suicide quotes suicide notes suicide videos 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Next West Side, Newark, NJ – From your Internet address – Use precise location more – Learn

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lucy vs. Zehmer

Case Brief:W. O. LUCY AND J. C. LUCY v. A. H. ZEHMER AND IDA S. ZEHMERFacts of the Case:After several drinks, Zehmer (D) wrote and signed a contract in which he agreed to sell his farm to Lucy (P) for $50,000. Zehmer insisted that he had been intoxicated and thought the matter was a joke, not realizing that Lucy had been serious. Zehmer was trying to get Lucy to admit to not having $50,000. Lucy claimed that he was not intoxicated and believed that Zehmer was also sober. Lucy brought suit for specific performance when Zehmer refused to complete the transaction.The trial court ruled for Zehmer holding that Lucy had not established a right to specific performance. On appeal the Supreme Court of Virginia found that Zehmer was sober enough to know what he was doing and that his words and actions warranted a reasonable belief that a contract was intended. Question: In determining whether a party has made a valid offer, how does the court determine whether the party had the intent to contr act? Holding: The Supreme Court of Virginia reversed the decision of the Circuit Court of Dinwiddie County, Virginia and stated Zehmer had signed a binding contract.Reasoning:The parties of a contract do not have to mentally agree to the deal. If their words or actions have the reasonable meaning of a serious business transaction, undisclosed intentions are immaterial and do not render the contract unenforceable. A contract must have a good faith offer and a good faith acceptance with terms of consideration known by each party. The court ruled that just because Zehmer had not mentally agreed to the deal, his conduct indicated to Lucy in a reasonable manner that the transaction was not a joke, and Lucy had no knowledge of Zehmer’s mental assessment.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Introduction to Electronics Communication essays

Introduction to Electronics Communication essays Introduction to Electronics Communications The field of electronics can be roughly divided into three major subfields, computers, communications and control. Virtually every electronic application can be classified as part of one of these three divisions. The largest field in terms of the sales of equipment and services and the number of employees in the computer field. It is also the youngest of the three. The communications industry is the second largest in size and is most certainly the oldest since electronics really started with radio communications. The smallest field is controlled. The computer industry is concerned with the development and servicing of computer hardware and software used by business, industry, and government for the processing, storage, and retrieval of data. The communications industry is concerned with electronic equipment used for the transfer of information between two or more points. That information may be voice, television pictures, computer data, or some other form of electronic information. The control filed is concerned with electronic power as well as various kinds of electronic components and circuits used to operate lights, heating elements, electric motors, and other devices. Although computers, communications, and control are three distinct fields, many applications involve the use of two or even all three disciplines. For example, computers are widely combined with control systems to automate factories and plants. Many computers are also part of networks that allow them to exchange data. In addition, the technologies from communications and control are often combined to perform remote operations. Communication is the basic process of exchanging information. It is what humans do to convey their thoughts, ideas, and feelings to one another. Humans have been communicating with one another from the beginning of humankind. Most humans communicated through the spoken ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Differences Between Whales, Dolpins and Porpoises

Differences Between Whales, Dolpins and Porpoises Are dolphins and porpoises whales? These marine mammals have many things in common. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises all fall under the order cetacea. Within this order, there are two suborders, the Mysticeti, or baleen whales, and the odontoceti, or toothed whales, which includes dolphins and porpoises as well as sperm whales.  If you consider that, dolphins  and porpoises are really whales.   Size Matters for Being Called a Whale or Not While dolphins and porpoises are in the same order and suborder as whales, they generally arent given a name that includes the word whale. The term whale is used as a way to distinguish size among species, with cetaceans longer than about nine feet considered whales, and those less than nine feet long considered to be dolphins and porpoises. Within the dolphins and porpoises, there is a wide range in size, from the orca (killer whale), which can reach lengths up to about 32 feet, to the Hector’s dolphin, which can be less than four feet long. Thats how the orca comes to have the common name of killer whale. This distinction keeps alive our image of a whale being something very large. When we hear the word whale, we think of Moby Dick or the whale that swallowed Jonah in the Bible story. We dont think of Flipper, the bottlenose dolphin of the 1960s television series. But Flipper could rightly claim he was, in fact, classified with the whales. Difference Between Dolphins and Porpoises While dolphins and porpoises are very similar and people often use the term interchangeably, scientists generally agree that there are four major differences between dolphins and porpoises: Dolphins have cone-shaped teeth while porpoises have flat or spade-shaped teeth.Dolphins usually have a pronounced â€Å"beak,† while porpoises do not have a beak.Dolphins generally have a very curved or hooked dorsal fin, while porpoises have a triangular dorsal fin.Porpoises are generally smaller than dolphins. Meet the Porpoises To get even more specific, the term porpoise should also refer only to the seven species that are in the family Phocoenidae (harbor porpoise, vaquita, spectacled porpoise, Burmeister’s porpoise, Indo-Pacific finless porpoise, narrow-ridged finless porpoise and Dall’s porpoise). Similarities Between All Whales - the Cetaceans All of the cetaceans have a streamlined body and adaptations for living in the water and never coming onto land.  But whales are mammals, not fish. They are related to land mammals, such as the hippopotamus. They are descended from land animals that looked like a short-legged wolf. All cetaceans  breathe air into their lungs rather than getting oxygen from water via gills.That means they can drown if they cant surface to bring in air. They give birth to live young and nurse them. They also are able to regulate their body temperature and are warm-blooded. Sources: American Cetacean Society. 2004. ACS Cetacean Curriculum (Online), American Cetacean Society.Waller, Geoffrey, ed. SeaLife: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. 1996.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Main Monetary and Fiscal Policy Instruments Available to the Essay

The Main Monetary and Fiscal Policy Instruments Available to the British Government - Essay Example rend of contracting and competitive tendering so that services improve through competition between the private and public sector in such areas as NHS catering, laundry and cleaning services along with infrastructure development and correction services. The government has initiated such schemes as value for money for its departments by setting performance parameters in increased numbers (Riley, â€Å"Fiscal Policy,† par. 7). Demand and Supply-side Policy Demand and supply side policies are government tools that help it to achieve policy aims. The demand side policies of the UK government are: 1. Fiscal policy—it is related to levying of taxes and government outlays. 2. Monetary policy—it governs issues like rate of interest and flow of money. 3. Exchange rate policy—it involves shuffling in the rate of Sterling Pound. Supply-side Policies 1. Help the government in boosting competition and performance in product markets. 2. Help in increasing of competition and production in factor markets, particularly labour markets. 3. Help in boosting the domestic savings by offering incentives. 4. Offer attractive schemes to firms for increased production and investment (Economics Online, â€Å"Fiscal Policy,† par. 6). Fiscal Policy It is the planned attempts to change the government outlay or taxation to gain desired macroeconomic results by manipulation in aggregate demand. There are two classes of fiscal policies, discretionary and automatic. 1. Discretionary policy. It is related to such policies that are formulated and enforced by one-off policy changes. 2. Automatic policy helps in stabilizing the economy by fiscal drag and fiscal boost (Economics Online par. 1). Fiscal Drag It diminishes the effect of increased income for goods as taxes are levied in increased ratios....An active fiscal policy increases the chances of deficit budgeting which is central to Keynesianism; it is still a trend of the British government to boost the morale of the money markets by not indulging in grand scale fiscal surpluses. Under the New Labour government, the fiscal policy plays a passive role in changing the budget deficit position over a business cycle but it should not mean that the New Labour government has terminated the active fiscal policy in principle; it has been ‘coarse-tuning’ the fiscal policy to get positive vibes. The New Labour does not deny a desired rate of unemployment, delinking any correlation between inflation and unemployment, which shows that in macroeconomic policy no setting in aggregate and effective demand is possible. The concept of interplay between supply and demand sides and their relation with unemployment can be clearly seen in the New Labour government. The need for interaction between both microeconomic and macroeconomic policies is needed for growth, stability and employment. Supply-side issues are important but demand jerks are risky. The New Labour government is nearer to Keynesia n in identifying that demand alone cannot ensure stability in employment, a crucial feature of New Labour’s political economy. One thing is clear that policies of the New Labour government have not promoted competitiveness. It is significant to note that the New Labour government has not faced a test of its macroeconomic policies in recession time although Britain’s macroeconomic policies have reduced the tremors felt by France and Germany in 2002-03.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Health care marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Health care marketing - Essay Example Besides, positioning pricing strategy seeks to maximize the current revenues for health care institutions with no regard to profit margins. Pricing in health care institutions should be a passive part so that the health care services can be affordable to everybody. Products and solutions have different positioning strategies, which they use to cut a niche in the market. For products, they should use the competitive pricing strategy to set a good customer base in the market. This strategy should aim at exceeding the competitors’ strength in the market. This can be achieved through focusing on quality advantage and product differentiation. Quite the reverse, services industry should take a different strategy, which aims at improving the quality of services offered by the service provider. Such services uses simultaneous competition that seeks to increase advertising for their services, introducing new services, providing rebates and incentives to clients and offering special service promotions for their services. This move will help increase productivity on their services that will result in lower cost and high quality